As some of you may know, we are constantly updating and improving our subscriptions.
If you are signed up for any subscription, you don’t have to do anything regarding any changes, they will be applied automatically. In terms of pricing, if prices increase, you will be grandfathered in at the lowered rate unless you cancel your subscription or your subscription is terminated due to declined payment, etc
As for other changes, these changes will apply beginning 8/4/20
The Bukake, VuDoo, and Mod alerts will no longer be add-on alerts and can be purchased separately. If you purchased this as an add-on alert, it must remain as an add-on alert unless you choose to cancel it and subscribe to it as a non add-on alert.
The Bukake alert will be changed to a 2K challenge which will be a focus on Day Trades with occasional Swing Trades at a price of $75/mo
The Mod alert will be changed to a 2K challenge which will be a focus on Swing Trades with occasions Day Trades at a price of $75/mo and will no longer require margin.
The VuDoo alert will be changed to a 5K swing/spread challenge at a price of $75/mo and requires margin.
Our new SPY alert MAY also be changed to a 5K challenge without any price change.
Currently, the Bukake, VuDoo, and Mod alerts cannot be signed up for as an add-on but we will be adding them shortly to the subscription page for those that want to sign up immediately.
Towards the end of the month, we will also be running a promotional discount for those that want to sign up for it the Bukake, Vudoo, or Mod alerts.